A Moment of Reflection on Thanksgiving day.

cooked chicken on white plate

This morning, as I went for my routine walk, I saw a little squirrel hopping around the trees and grasses. As I was getting closer, it stopped on its track and cautiously looked at me. Then, it quickly moved in the other direction. However, it did not stop chasing whatever it was after. The squirrel kept a watchful eye on me, while it continued playfully chasing its nuts.

small squirrel on tree trunk

When I got home, I could not help but reflect on that brief encounter. The whole event put a smile on my face and for some reason, I thought of the word thankfulness. I was particularly amused by the vigilance the animal displayed throughout the whole time while it managed to remain enthusiastic in the pursuit of its goal.

What is Gratitude?

Maybe, that’s what being grateful is all about. It is not about waiting for everything to be perfect in our lives to give thanks. Just like the little squirrel that saw me as a threat, it is about being aware of all the problems that exist in our lives, while acknowledging all the great things that we already have. Being grateful does not call for a stop to relentlessly improve our circumstances. It is rather the choice that we make to be thankful amidst the ups and downs. It is the ability to notice the insignificant spark of beauty that already exists in our lives to the grandest favors.

Life is not exactly like a movie. We will never have every single thing that we want. We might have some of it or even most of it, but never exactly everything. There will always be a disappointment, a hurt, or a wrong. The most we can do is to accept everything for exactly what it is. Find the silver lining because there is always one, no matter the situation, and go from there. Remember, the happy ending is what we make of it.

Celebrating Thanksgiving.

Today, we celebrate thanksgiving. It is a humbling tradition to have a national day dedicated to gratitude only. However, this tradition is highly commercialized. Ironically, we spend ‘til our last dime, immediately the next day. I think it loses a bit of its meaning when we make it only about consumption.

roasted turkey on black ceramic plate

About the Historical Truth of Thanksgiving.

Furthermore, we should not forget the true origin of this ritual. We must acknowledge the pain and suffering of the Native people of this land as today is truly a day of mourning for them. It should be for us too. After all, the Native Americans experience is part of the American experience. We should talk about the historical accuracy of that time because it matters. Because it is the American history.

portrait of three men in traditional native american clothes playing guitar

Be Thankful everyday.

With all that being said, whether you decide to celebrate Thanksgiving or not, remember to be like my little friend, the squirrel. Be agile at spotting and solving issues in your life, without ever losing sight of how lucky you are to have been granted this gift.

Even when life is inexplicably hard and sad, be happy you exist and to know life in all of its intricacies. Be grateful for family who keep us grounded; for friends who become family; for pets that show us what love truly means; for flowers that remind us that this beautiful life is fleeting; for the random act of kindness of a stranger, for the innocence of a child, for good health to experience it all. Be grateful for music, poems, art and books that give life meaning and for moments that become sweet memories to be cherished. Be grateful, today and everyday.

There’s great beauty and tragedy in this life. That’s what makes it extraordinary. So, embrace it all.

Until next time.

Xoxo, JP

Posts created 67

13 thoughts on “A Moment of Reflection on Thanksgiving day.

  1. This is beautiful and l add my reflection. Love! Find time for it. Find meaning in it. It is all around us, we just need to know how to look


  2. I agree ,we should be grateful for every second of breath,good and bad situations in our life.All those come to teach us something that we should be aware to learn .Thank JP for the reminder.It’s a pleasure to read you!😎😎

  3. Thank you Jess for this article!! It touched me personally. I should learn to be more grateful for the small things in my life. As you said life won’t be exactly like we want it to be. Love u sis

  4. Love the reflection! There’s a lot to actually think about. Because life itself gives us lessons everyday, it takes sometimes an attentive mind to see through all of them. Thank you JP!

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