A new beginning

Finally, I did it. I took the plunge and launched my blog. Hi everyone, Welcome! I had this project in mind for a very long time. But I allowed doubts to get the best of me and hesitated to make it a reality. However, I say no more. It may sound cliché, but with pandemic, I came to the realization that tomorrow is not a guarantee. The only thing we have is today. So, we must make the most out of it and live the life we have always wanted to live.

The Journey

That journey really began last year when I decided to rock my life upside down and went back to school for a career change. Now, I decide to say yes to all of my ideas and see where they lead me. After all, what is a life well lived if it is not to have the gut to take on risks, challenge ourselves, and find out what we are made of. And in the process, grow to a better version of ourselves. We must decide to live the life we have imagined for ourselves. We must believe that there is space for all of us in this world, no one is like us . No one possess our insight.

“We must believe that there is space for all of us in this world,

No one is like us”

So, cheers to the silly decisions we make, to the important ones too. To men and women who are catalysts of change and push us to be our own hero. Cheers to coming into the understanding that every day is a gift. To find happiness and beauty in the simplicity of life itself and embracing all of it with grace and humor.

And to you all, who decide to be on this experiment with me,  let us learn to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. Because all in all my friends, there is nothing ordinary in this little ride we call life.

With that said, see you next week time.

Xoxo, JP

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