Acceptance and Love.

few roses with scattered petals on desktop

Nothing compares to the feeling of having a group of people who are accepting of us. Sometimes, if we are lucky, we find those people in our families. Sometimes, they are our friends. Or just a group of strangers, who by their welcoming energy break all of our barriers and make us feel like we have always belonged. A fuzzy feeling that makes us realize, how quickly strangers can become friends.

A valentine’s dance.

On my last post, I have told you how I was promptly embraced in my ballet class which have dancers of all skills levels. Despite being the most challenged dancer there, I do not feel judged not for one second. In the contrary, I am applauded and encouraged. That nurturing environment forces me to push myself to be better. Day by day, I am noticing improvements. Of course, I have a very long way to go. Ballet, as one might imagine, is incredibly hard. However, I know one day I will be flawless, like a proper ballerina or very close to it.

Today, we performed a beautiful number created by our teacher, for Valentine’s Day. We danced to the new song from Ed Sheeran ft Taylor Swift- The joker and the Queen. Our teacher insisted for all of us to own the spotlight by being in front. Although, I did my best to avoid being there since I know I will stumble, our teacher and all the advanced dancers made sure to put us, the less skillful ones, in front.

Under the mask.

After all, isn’t it what we are all looking for in this life?  In terms of relationships, romantic or friendship, we all want someone to see us, despite our shortcomings and quirkiness. Someone who cheers for us and always sees the best in us. Someone who believes in us even when we don’t. And that very act of complete acceptance will drive us into being the best version of ourselves.

black activist wearing anonymous mask as sign of protest
Photo by Anete Lusina on

Therefore, on this month of love and every other months for that matter, I hope that when you look into that special person’s eyes you feel at home. I hope you get that warm feeling of total acceptance. That confirmation that you are not an option. That assurance that someone got your back in this world that can feel so cold at times.

And for the rest of us who have not found that special person yet, don’t despair. Soulmates present itself in all kinds of forms. As described by the Webster dictionary, “a soul mate is someone that suits ones temperament perfectly”. As a result, a best friend, a family member, can be a soulmate. Recognize that. A soulmate is not only found in a romantic relationship. The whole point is to be understood and appreciated. Plus what will be, will be.

faceless couple on coast of sea
Photo by Anna Kester on

Quest for Love and Acceptance

In our quest for love and acceptance, may we never settle just because we want to be in a relationship to avoid the crippling weight of judgment from society. May we not rush into anything but may we not allow anyone to waste our time either. Ultimately, we are all looking for that person who will accept our true selves under the mask we carry around. We want to feel alive when we are with our soulmate. If we don’t give up, we might find the most unique love.

Until then,

Happy Valentine’s

XoXo, Jp

Posts created 67

10 thoughts on “Acceptance and Love.

  1. I love this because we are all searching for love and support whether its a romantic soulmate or a new friend. Hopefully we will see a video of your ballet soon 🙂
    I will always have your back Jessica xoxo

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