America the Beautiful

It is a new day in America. Today, we witnessed the ascension of one of the most diverse administration in the most powerful of office in the world. We came a very long way for this day to be a reality. America struggled with its demons throughout its history to come to this point, but we are making great strides.

But the fight continues

Parallel to that historic moment we all took part of, are the most recent events that have taken place in the Capitol. These events reminded us all too well of that blatant contradiction in the American psyche. America wants to be the example of democracy but harbors the most violent poisons that can destroy it from within; racism and economic disparity.


It is undeniable that the events of the last couple of weeks would have turned out quite differently if it were people of a certain melanin level or people protesting for a certain cause. There would have been a blood bath and mass arrests. Instead, we saw a group of predominantly white people, attempting to overthrow a duly elected president because it did not go their way. They acted as if the country was theirs alone and they were treated as such.

Mob Mentality

The mob and tribal mentality are not new. It shows its ugly face at every turn whenever we make a change for inclusion and progress. It was there after the abolition of slavery, during the civil war, during the civil rights movement and more recently when it came down to the Capitol and desecrated the most sacred symbol of our democracy. Its tentacles are deeply rooted in our social structure and are so pervasive.

Economic disparity

Intertwined with racism is poverty that can be used as a lethal weapon to lead us astray. As much as we want to believe that whoever was in the Capitol was purely evil, it is not necessarily so. Some of these people truly believed that they were saving democracy. They were led to believe that their cause was right and that there was no other alternative. They believed the lies and truly thought that they were fighting for their freedoms and their livelihood. Many of these people are seriously poor, uneducated and easily manipulated. Yes, many of them may have racist beliefs. They are inclined to believe that no other than them, should be in position of power in this country, but this is exactly what some “so-called leaders” rely on to pursue with their own wicked agenda. These detractors depend on people’s ignorance and fears to drive a wedge among people, manipulate facts, play on people most vile instincts to divide rather than finding ways to unite.


Fear, you know is a monster. It creeps up like a shadow in the night. Fear makes everything seems threatening. It does not allow for rational thinking. It leads to anger, hate and suffering. The division in this country is mostly based on fear. Fear of a changing world that some may think will rob them of their place in it.  Fear of a world that they will no longer recognize.

But what they forget is that change is constant and inevitable. It is useless to try to stop this train anyway. And it is often what we need. As one of my closest friends reminded me one day, we are working for a better union. The founders knew that we are not perfect. We will always strive to get to these noble ideals. Therefore, change is unavoidable.

Better days ahead but

As history is being made, and we are so rightfully proud to be American again, let’s not forget the ominous words of the great Martin Luther King: “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

We cannot idly sit and think because of today all of our problems are over. More than ever, it important to be vigilant and also listen to each other. We cannot dismiss the people who see things differently than us. We have to meet them halfway and intently try to understand their concerns and provide some relief because if we don’t, false prophets will rise and will pull us further away from the perfect union we seek to achieve.

One of the great qualities of our nation is the ability to redeem ourselves and try to correct our wrongs. We are not there yet. There is so much more to be done. Now, my white brothers and sisters, it is up to you to talk to your stubborn siblings who refuse to join hands with the rest of us. Tell them that change is ok. Talk to them of the possibilities of a more peaceful and beautiful world. Tell them that we are the same and that it is essential for our very existence to join with all of us to tackle greater challenges ahead. It is indeed the only way to our survival.

Until then,

 America truly is beautiful.

Xoxo, JP

Posts created 67

6 thoughts on “America the Beautiful

  1. Well said , democracy was challenged during past 4 years but we are on a great path now . I was very emotional today , hope is alive again . I’m also very proud of Kamala , she will be a great role models for our young queens .
    Great job Jess

  2. Our democracy was indeed challenged during these past couple of years and while we can’t fool ourselves and believe its all over, and all will be well.. what we can do is renew our hope. On this day, I became hopeful again, on this day I started to believe again. Beautiful blog Jess

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