Another new year resolution.

a woman writing numbers on sand with her hand

It is that time again, the new year has started. We feel motivated to achieve the same goals we have been pursuing for the last few years. We convince ourselves yet again that this year, will be the year where we will finally lose that weight, learn that new language, run this marathon… only to be confronted with crushing failure by the end of the month!  Instead, what if we took the time to reflect on what we have accomplished from the previous year and use it as a starting point to continue on our path of self-improvement?

Recognizing our gifts

We are so bad at recognizing what we do well. We are excellent at self-criticizing, nick-picking every single flaw that we have. But guess what, we cannot improve anything without a foundation. We cannot improve nothingness. Obviously, we already have it in us, that seed that needs a little caring to grow. Therefore, learning to acknowledge our gifts is essential to help achieve our goals.

Creating Systems

As I have mentioned before, (see my post here about systems) I don’t make new year resolutions. I set up systems that I follow to make long-lasting transformations in my life. Those changes do not come easy. It takes time to adopt new habits. Often, I fail miserably at sticking to them. However, I do not beat myself up because of my setbacks. I view those situations as teaching opportunities to learn about myself, redirect my course of action or modify as necessary. Of course, I get disappointed when faced with defeats, of which I have had my load this past year. But somehow, things turned out ok. Being flexible and adaptable are important qualities to develop in one’s growth journey. I have always had an open door policy with my goals. I surrender to the magic of life because it can be surprising in so many wonderful ways.

Be more open

One of the things I have done well last year was to allow myself to be open to new experiences and relationships. For years, I have worked on being more open. To allow myself to be more vulnerable. To venture where I would not have gone before. Oh boy! it is one of my best decisions so far. I have met a wonderful group of people who expanded my horizons and enriched my life.  I have felt accepted and welcomed. To build real human connection is to be brave enough to appear authentically and share our truth. It has been said before, nothing can replace true human connection.  That is exactly what I have found in this community.  And for me, this is the foundation I will be building upon going forward into this new year.

We are magnificent

Whatever path you are on, whatever goals you wish to achieve, I invite you to do the same; leave room for magic in your life, acknowledge your awesomeness and use it as your foundation. Because, my friends, we are magnificent in spite of our failings.

Until next time,

Happy New year 2023



Posts created 67

2 thoughts on “Another new year resolution.

  1. Thanks for this another beautiful writing!
    I’ve been doing this process of acknowledging the light within me for a while.. Guess what, you build more confidence by doing that and as you said is essential to help achieve our goals.
    Your blog is my happy place, keep up the good work sis.
    Love you

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