I ended up spending my birthday last June with a dear friend of mine in Vermont. I have always teased her that she lived in far away land. But she warned me, I may unexpectedly fall in love if I ever come. “Vermont has its charm,” she said. And yes, I have been charmed. They […]
How I got Myself out of a Funk
I hit a roadblock. I felt unmotivated to write anything lately. To do anything really. There were so many great occasions to write something thoughtful about what is happening in the world or in my life. However, I just could not do it. I was in a funk. Maybe, it is exhaustion. Exhaustion from being […]
Black History
It is strange that as a black person I struggled a bit writing about black history month. Yes, I said it and please do not come for my head before you read this through and really understand my point of view. You see, I did not grow up with black history month. It was not […]