The Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is a celebration practiced to some degree all around the world. It’s a fascinating blend of cultural traditions, and one of the most iconic variations is the Mexican Day of the Dead. This celebration has deep roots in Mexican culture, with influences from both indigenous […]
Why Fall Is One of the Best Seasons: Finding Beauty in Falling Apart.
Growing up in Haiti, I was accustomed to the two-season rhythm of the dry and wet seasons, with no dramatic shifts in between. I discovered fall only through books and television, a distant world of colorful foliage. When I relocated to Florida in the United States, much remained the same as far as changes in […]
How to Change Your Life and Achieve Your Goals.
This week marked a significant milestone in my journey toward professional transformation. I successfully completed grad school, a dream I’ve carried with me since childhood. It may sound crazy, especially considering that I’m switching careers, but it goes to show that with determination and support, you can change your life in remarkable ways. Here, I […]