For The Love of April

white daisy flower

The month of April is often associated with the arrival of spring, a new season. April comes from the Latin Word “aperilis” which means the “opening thing”. During this time of the year, nature invites us to open ourselves up to new possibilities. I wrote about welcoming new beginnings in my last post. As the flowers start to grow and the weather warms up, why not embrace the wonder of love and connection this month.

nature sky sunny flowers
Photo by Nikolett Emmert on

Do not misunderstand me, I am not telling anyone to go out there and find themselves a new love interest while they are in a wonderful relationship. I am also not saying to anyone to impose themselves onto others or tolerate nonsense just in the name of love. But I am saying to give in to love, to recognize what we already have, and celebrate it. To act from a place of love and understanding. And if you are not in a romantic relationship, why not break down those walls and let love sweep you off your feet. You never know where you might find it.

By the way, did you know that February is not the only month for the celebration of love? For many people, April is also a month of love, where they celebrate romantic relationships and connections with others. While it’s certainly wonderful to celebrate love in all its forms during this time of year, it’s also important to remember that love should be an integral part of our daily lives, not just something we focus on during a particular month of the year.

Love is an incredibly powerful force that can transform our lives in countless ways. Whether it’s romantic love, familial love, or the love we have for our friends and communities, choosing love can bring us closer to ourselves and others. Many studies have shown that people who prioritize love and connection in their lives are generally happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

So how can we choose love in our everyday lives? One of the most important things we can do is to practice kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others. This can mean taking the time to listen to a friend who is going through a tough time. Sometimes, we are so self-centered we forget that people around us are suffering too and it is not always about us.

Choosing love also means showing gratitude for the people and things we have in our lives. Sometimes, we take our friends and family for granted. We are so preoccupied by what we think our lives should be that we lose sight of what we already have. The richness of our lives does not depend on the material things we have acquired over the years, the awards or the accolades. The richness of our lives is about the little things; for example, the smile of a child, a sunset, a rose, family, the smell of coffee in the morning, the music we danced to, the love of a partner, the people we have in our corners and the love that we spread around us etc. In my perspective, that’s what constitutes a great life.

Additionally, choosing love means simply being kind to ourselves when we make mistakes or face challenges. We are often our harshest critics. We need to learn to give ourselves grace and know that we too need compassion from ourselves and that we stumble like everyone else.

Another way to choose love is to cultivate an attitude of openness and curiosity towards the world around us. This can mean trying new things, meeting new people, and exploring different perspectives and ideas. Uniformity of thoughts and ideas is dangerous as it hinders our capacity to understand the complexity of life around us.  When we approach life with an open heart and mind, we are more likely to find love and connection in unexpected places.

Ultimately, choosing love is about recognizing the inherent value and worth of ourselves and others. When we choose love, we are choosing to connect with the world around us, to see beauty and goodness in the people and things we encounter, and to be guided by our hearts rather than our fears or doubts. So, this April, let’s celebrate love in all its forms, and commit to making love a part of our everyday lives, both now and forever.

heart hand on shallow focus lens
Photo by Jasmine Carter on

Until next time, keep spreading love



Posts created 67

6 thoughts on “For The Love of April

  1. Kindness and compassion towards ourselves first and others, one of a great form of love….
    I wish that these powerful thoughts reach a wider audience. Nowadays the world needs this kind of message. Too many people are not feeling loved or worthy

    1. Yes, kindness and compassion are needed in this world. Especially towards ourselves. I’ll be honored if my simple words could make a difference in the lives of many.

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