How to keep your Healthy Habits during the Holidays

The holiday season is a wonderful time to cultivate quality connections with your loved ones. We all know those connections involve food. A lot of food. It can be hard not to abandon these healthy habits that we spend so much time to built. While I do not have a bad relationship with food, let me share with you what has always worked for me during these times of festivities.

stack of biscuits on a plate

I- Change your focus

As mentioned before, the holiday times are for improving relationships with close family and friends and making memories. Think about the holidays on these terms instead of thinking about it as overeating.

II- Indulge in moderation

Eating some sweets with your family is not going to cause havoc on your diet if you do it in moderation.

III- Eat your veggies first

I am going to tell you what my Mama has always told me. Eat your veggies first. When you eat your veggies first, you will promote satiety with low energy density food, which may help reduce energy intake during the course of the meal.

IV- Get moving

Do not pause your work out. It does not have to be a complicated workout schedule. Just go for a walk. You can even enroll your family to join you.

There you have it. These are my tips on how to keep in shape during the holiday weekends.

Because of the pandemic, many people may spend the holiday alone. Often, the loneliness may lead people to overeat. If that is your situation, please, do not beat yourself up if you overeat. You are only human and if that is necessary for you to get through the holiday season, so be it. However, you can still follow some of my tips above to keep in shape. Eat your veggies first before you have dinner and dessert, it will help reduce overeating. Go for a walk around your neighborhood, it will improve your mood. Call your loved ones. And watch funny movies, you will not feel so alone.

Merry Christmas.

Xoxo, JP

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