How to Remain Grounded Amidst Chaos

I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day. The conversation quickly took a turn to current events; the pandemic, climate change, inequality, and political crisis here and around the world. When listening to all the macro issues that our generation and the generation thereafter must face, it is easy to become overly anxious about the prospect of the frightening future that seem to be looming in front of us. It is easy to be frighten amidst chaos. The question arose about how to be calm in moment like this, to remain positive about what lies ahead.

afro american man in abandoned messy building

It is Ok to feel Anxious.

It seems impossible not to be weary when the world seems to be sinking. When we are growing uncertain about the economy or even the state of our nation. Do not beat yourself up for feeling this way. It is normal to go through these emotions. We are not weak as a result of feeling anxious. These feelings are valid. If you need to cry, just cry. If you need to talk to someone, confide in a trusted friend, better yet find a therapist to help explore these feelings. We are just human. And it is OK to feel the way we feel. The key is to not allow these emotions overwhelm us and become a handicap for our well-being.

Resiliency in the face of chaos.

We must not let ourselves drift into despair. We, as a species, have been through a lot before. Heck, we have been through a lot worst. Our ancestors survive them all, so will we. We are resilient beings. We must keep going and remember that this too shall pass…

Here’s are few things you can do to keep yourself centered amidst chaos:

I – Slow down and breath

When you feel stress, practice slow deep breathing. Try to concentrate on your breathing. Be aware of that activity only. This exercise is widely practice in Yoga. Deep breathing helps calm you down by sending messages to your brain to relax.

II- Let go of control

Comes to term with the fact that you cannot control everything and that is OK. Be aware of your emotions, you are allowed to have them. Do what you can, with what you have. For example, help a friend, a family member or a neighbor in need. Indeed, researchers have shown that when you help others, you help yourself. One reason behind the positive feelings associated with helping others is that being pro-social reinforces our sense of relatedness to others, thus helping us meet our most basic psychological needs. Likewise, If you believe in a cause, donate, educate yourself, get involved. The rest, well, there is not much you can do. Accept that reality and move on.

III- Maintain a routine

When things get hectic, we tend to abandon what we were doing. We feel lost and have no sense of control. Try to maintain a schedule with your activities. Wake up, exercise, shower, have your breakfast, read, pick up a new skill or organize something in the house that you have always wanted to but never had the time to do. If you have kids, plan their days as well.

IV- Put things in perspective

Always keep situations in perspective in chaotic time. As a species, we have been through many disasters and we have always pull trough. Therefore, we will prevail against whatever hazard we must face. As a matter of fact, we are better equipped to respond to the challenge of our time than any other time of our existence as a species. Moreover, remember to be grateful for the gift of life. It may not feel like it is the right moment to be grateful but trust that in challenging times it is when you must be the most thankful. When you practice gratefulness, you improve your well-being by regulating negative emotion and you have a positive effect on your family and friends.

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Photo by Sasha Ineson on

Finally, find solace in the fact that the sun rises everyday and like the sun, believe that we will rise to the occasion and create better tomorrows.

Xoxo, JP

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