How Toxic Positivity Is Ruining Your Life and Ways to Deal With it.

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I usually have a positive outlook on life. In fact, I tend to look at situations in life as learning experiences. However, it does not mean that I am not in touch with reality. Some people with good intentions always want to look at the positive side of things, even when they are in a total mess. Often, this is the effective way to shut yourself down while going through real problems, and you don’t allow yourself to express how you truly feel. It is a sure way to ruin your life. In this post, I will tell you how toxic positivity is ruining your life and ways to deal with it.

What Is Toxic Positivity?

Toxic positivity is the relentless pressure we often put on ourselves to always be positive, to always exude gratitude. We must reject any emotions that are not deemed “positive” by societal standards. It’s the unrealistic expectation that we should plaster a smile on our faces, even when our hearts are heavy. And it’s time to stop denying our true emotions because they are valid and essential. They exist for a reason, and they need to be acknowledged.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Three Ways Toxic Positivity is Ruining Your Life:

1) Denial of Your Emotions: The most evident way toxic positivity ruins your life is by denying your emotions. When you suppress genuine feelings of sadness, anger, or frustration, you’re not allowing yourself to process and heal from these emotions. Instead, you’re bottling them up, which can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and eventually, emotional burnout. In fact, one study found that expressing one’s true emotions and the feeling is crucial to physical health, mental health, and general well being, while a reliance on concealment gives rise to a barrier to good health.

2) No Real Human Connection: Another way toxic positivity is ruining your life is that it hinders authentic human connections. When we put up a facade of eternal happiness, we prevent others from seeing our vulnerabilities. It’s through vulnerability that we truly connect with others. By masking our struggles, we miss out on the support and understanding that genuine human connections can offer.

3) Stunted Personal Growth: Lastly, toxic positivity is ruining your life by impeding your personal growth. Constantly striving to be positive can stunt your personal growth. Real growth often comes from overcoming challenges and learning from difficult experiences. If you’re always focusing on the sunny side of life, you may miss valuable opportunities for personal development.

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Four Ways to Deal with Toxic Positivity:

1) Acknowledge Your Emotions: The first step in combating toxic positivity is acknowledging your emotions, even the unpleasant ones. Understand that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, or frustrated. These emotions are part of being human, and they serve a purpose in your life.

2) Practice Emotional Authenticity: Embrace authenticity in your emotions and interactions. When you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends or loved ones. Share your experiences, fears, and doubts. True connections are built on honesty and vulnerability.

3) Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that life is a blend of highs and lows. Set realistic expectations for yourself, allowing room for both joy and sorrow. Recognize that challenging moments are opportunities for growth.

4) Cultivate Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you offer others. Remember that it’s perfectly normal to have imperfections and moments of vulnerability.

The Transformative Power of Regular Journaling and Emotional Acceptance

One important practice that has helped me fight toxic positivity is when I started journaling regularly. I documented not just the moments of gratitude but also my struggles and doubts- By the way, incorporate this life changing practice by getting my gratitude journal here-This practice allows me to embrace emotional authenticity. It also opened the door to more profound connections with friends and family who appreciated my vulnerability. Moreover, by accepting my emotions, I could better navigate life’s challenges. Instead of seeing obstacles as roadblocks, I started viewing them as stepping stones to personal growth.


In conclusion, toxic positivity can indeed ruin your life by denying your emotions, hindering human connections, and impeding personal growth. However, by acknowledging your emotions, practicing emotional authenticity, setting realistic expectations, and cultivating self-compassion, you can break free from its grip. It’s time to embrace the full spectrum of your emotions, for they are the colors that paint the canvas of your unique and authentic life. And you, how have you dealt with toxic positivity? Please share your tips in the comment below.

Until next time,

Xoxo, JP

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