Lausanne Chronicles: Things To Do In Switzerland With Limited Time.

Hey there, fellow adventurers! I Just got back from an absolute amazing trip to Lausanne, Switzerland. I couldn’t wait to tell you all about the incredible things I experienced. If you’re working with a tight schedule but want to make the most of your time, I’ve got you covered with this practical itinerary of things to do in Switzerland. So, grab a cup of coffee or tea or whatever you love to drink and let’s dive into my whirlwind tour!

Switzerland’s Magic Touch

Let me just start by saying Switzerland’s got that magic touch – and Lausanne proved it beyond doubt. Now, picture this: you hop on a train, and bam, you’re pretty much at the doorstep of every must-see spot. The Swiss know how to make exploration feel like a breeze.

Old Town Charms and Metro Marvels

First stop, the old town – and guess what? The metro system there is like lightning! Therefore, it transports you right into the heart of the city’s history. Cobblestone streets, colorful buildings – it’s like walking through a history book that’s come alive.

Olympic Feels and Lakeside Lounging

Feeling like a champion at the Olympic Center was unreal. Did you know that Lausanne is the headquarters of the Olympics? Amazing right! If you have kids they will love it. The interactive exhibits will keep them engaged and busy throughout the whole visit. After that, we leisurely strolled down to Ouchy by Lake Geneva. Then, we took the 9 line bus for a dip at Lutry Village. Let me tell you, that place is a slice of paradise.

Cathedral Views and a Splash of History

Climbing up to Lausanne Cathédrale was like hitting the jackpot – the views were extraordinary! You can practically see the whole city from up there. Then, we wandered over to La Palud, where the Fountain of Justice stands tall. This is Lausanne’s oldest fountain. Trust me, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped right into a storybook.

Day Tripping to Gruyères

So, we were lucky to have family drive us to Gruyères. The scenery on our way there was nothing short of spectacular .The lake gracefully meandering through the majestic mountains. The sunlight delicately kissed the water surface transforming it into a scattering glistening diamonds across the horizon. I was at awe before nature’s beauty and grateful to be alive to witness it. Walking into the old medieval castle was like stepping back in time. And of course we paid a visit to the cheese factory. You cannot go to Switzerland and not visit the cheese and chocolate factory. Let’s talk about cheese-making – it’s a whole art form! Even with technology, those cheese makers are putting in some serious work.

Fondue, Chocolate, and the Ultimate Food Coma

I had authentic fondue for the first time. That gooey cheese magic with bread and potatoes, was like a cheesy dream. However, I must admit, I cannot eat it too much. As a result, indulging in too much fondue left me in a delightful cheese induced coma. And the chocolate factory? I thought I knew chocolate, but boy, was I wrong. Although, the many varieties of cacao originated mostly from South America, cacao was also introduced in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

Unforgettable Memories and Future Adventures

As I conclude my Lausanne adventure, I couldn’t help but think of all the moments that is still leaving a smile on my face. Making connections, exploring new horizons – this trip was one for the books. Lausanne is a city that blends history, beauty, and flavor in one amazing package. Whether you’re wandering ancient streets or indulging in Swiss treats, Lausanne’s got that special something that lingers in your memories.

Until next time, Switzerland.

Xoxo, JP

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