My Idyllic time in the Green Mountain State.

I ended up spending my birthday last June with a dear friend of mine in Vermont. I have always teased her that she lived in far away land. But she warned me, I may unexpectedly fall in love if I ever come. “Vermont has its charm,” she said. And yes, I have been charmed. They call it the Green Mountain State for a reason.

She lives in a place that is something out of a postcard. The greenery, the sight of a little hummingbird visiting in the morning, the wildflowers and the lushness of the forest, took my breath away. Indeed, it is enchanting, peaceful, and full of possibilities.

Calming effect of Nature.

One thing being in nature has always brought me is peace. There is a sense of calm that permeates when surrounded with trees. Consequently, we naturally become more mindful. It feels like the trees are letting us in on a secret. A secret about life. And if we remain vigilant, we might hear it: “Stop with the chase and the anxiety,” they seem to say. “The pain will go away. Everything is temporary and there is no reason to be constantly afraid.”

Mount Ascutney.

Of course, we went hiking. Vermont’s Long Trail has always attracted outdoor enthusiasts and is known to be America’s longest distance hiking trail. However, don’t be too excited, we did not go there. It would have been a bit of a challenge for an official first-time hiker like me. Instead, we went to Mount Ascutney which was tough but I made it to the top.

Mount Ascutney which name derived from several Abenaki words means “mountain of the rocky summit,” is a popular hiking destination. Standing at 958m(3.144 feet), it is the second highest mountain in Windsor County and it is not part of the green mountains. It is called a monadnock which rises unexpectedly from the neighboring lowlands. The trail was steep at times, but the beautiful scenery made up for it.

The Food.

Vermont has some of the freshest food I have eaten in America. We went to a diner called Hartland, a family owned business. It is a colorful place with eclectic decoration. Here, the atmosphere is fun and welcoming. They serve giant portions of typical American breakfast. However, the food is mouthwatering. I had the “Kevin’s heart attack breakfast” which consisted of eggs, hash brown and toast. By the way, the menu itself is so inviting. Plus, they had the most hilarious title for those dishes.

Anyway, going back to my breakfast, I could taste the herbs, the buttery flavors from the eggs and the crispy potatoes. It was not too salty nor too greasy. The dish was just right. Therefore, it reminded me of a good home cooked breakfast. Furthermore, the service was impeccable. I ate to my heart content.

It is very telling that being there for three days, I did not see any fast-food restaurants. Apparently, the Green Mountain State is very big on supporting local farms and businesses.

Local Productions.

Vermont is the biggest producer of maple syrup in the world after Quebec and is also famous for its artisanal cheese. Of course, I have had a taste of their maple syrup and it was delicious. In addition, I also had something called creemee. It is an ice-cream, pumped in a machine that gives it an airy and soft texture. Unfortunately, I could not visit the famous Ben and Jerry’s factory. They were close due to covid-19.

The Green mountain State is also famous for its many breweries. Lovers of beers, this is the place for you.

Local Beers


We walked around a small but quaint village called Woodstock. It is such a pretty town. As a matter of fact, Woodstock has been named the prettiest town in America. Woodstock is the quintessential New England town with pristine colonial architecture and unique little shops.

The Rockefeller family invested millions of dollars in the village to preserve it. They renovated old houses and own several real estates including the historic Woodstock Inn.


Nearly Non-existent Traffic.

One peculiar thing I have noticed in Woodstock is that there was no traffic light. However, traffic was quasi-inexistent. Moreover, I do not even remember seeing police officers. I am sure they exist but I just did not encounter an officer during my short stay there.

The people.

If there is one thing besides the mountains that made me fall in love with the Green mountain State is the hospitality of its people. I have met some of the nicest people there. From the warm welcome at the airport through my stay, until my departure, I felt like I was home. I have never felt once othered. All I have experienced were kindness and genuine human connection. One example of that kindness was when I had to leave Vermont. My flight to Boston got cancelled due to a storm. I have met a gentleman at the airport who offered to drive me two and half hour to Boston. The lady who is in charge of the airport – it is a very small airport- vouched for the man’s good character to appease my hesitation…

Throughout, the whole trip we had meaningful conversations. When I got to the Boston airport, we exchanged numbers and I have gained yet another friend.

Few facts about Vermont.

Vermont name originated from two French words. They are: “vert” which means green and “mont” which means mountains. Thus, the origin of the State “green mountain” nickname. The Green mountain state has been consistently named one of best state to live due to its low crime rate. The state capital is Montpelier. It is the least populous capital state in the U.S.

In 1777, Vermont became the first state to abolish slavery.

The Green Mountain State was the 14th state to enter the Union.

One of my all-time favorite movie, “Forrest Gump” running scene was shot in Vermont. As a result, the street is named after Jenny, the love interest of the main character.

Famous people from the Green mountain state.

Vermont is home to many famous writers and poets including Robert Frost. Yet again, it confirms that slow living and an enchanting nature spark the human imagination and the creativity of his very soul.

Visiting during fall season.

My Vermont friends told me the best time to visit is during the fall. It seems around that time, the maple trees clothe themselves with the most colorful of apparels, converting Vermont into a magical fairy land. Since, I have never experienced fall before, I guess Vermont is the ideal place for me to experience such naturally gilded transformation.

Until then,

Xoxo, JP

Posts created 67

10 thoughts on “My Idyllic time in the Green Mountain State.

  1. I have been to Vermont but after reading your experience I am ready for another visit! It is a beautiful place and you should definitely go back during the fall when the leaves are changing their colors.

    1. Yes, such an introspective man. But being in nature has a way of doing this to someone. And being in Vermont was the perfect place for him to come up with his most poetic depiction of ordinary human emotions in everyday life.

  2. Beautiful pictures! You just made me want to visit Vermont! lol (Words I thought I would never say). Love the history, I did not know Vermont was the first state to abolish slavery! Great fun fact.

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