This week marked a significant milestone in my journey toward professional transformation. I successfully completed grad school, a dream I’ve carried with me since childhood. It may sound crazy, especially considering that I’m switching careers, but it goes to show that with determination and support, you can change your life in remarkable ways. Here, I […]
Why Is It Important to Accept Who You Are.
In a world filled with endless expectations and judgments, the act of accepting oneself is a revolutionary one. We have been raised to believe that success and happiness lie in conforming to societal norms and the ideals set by others. Yet, as I embarked on my own journey towards self-acceptance, I discovered that this pursuit […]
How Toxic Positivity Is Ruining Your Life and Ways to Deal With it.
I usually have a positive outlook on life. In fact, I tend to look at situations in life as learning experiences. However, it does not mean that I am not in touch with reality. Some people with good intentions always want to look at the positive side of things, even when they are in a […]