Reflections on a 110-Mile Bicycle Trip to New Smyrna

Biking 110 miles to New Smyrna and back was a challenge that pushed us to our limits, both physically and mentally. But despite the difficulty, the trip was filled with moments of beauty, camaraderie, and self-discovery that made the journey worthwhile.

Finding serenity in nature and experiencing the beauty of the world

The chance to spend time in nature was one of the trip’s most meaningful experiences. We experienced a sense of serenity and tranquility that is difficult to find in our hectic, technology-driven life thanks to the sound of the wind flowing past our ears, the sight of the trees and fields rolling by, and the feel of the sun on our skin. We came across a variety of animals along the trip, including squirrels, birds, deer, and a family of turtles crossing the road. Being made aware of how small we are in relation to a much broader ecology was humbling.

Overcoming obstacles and pushing ourselves to the limit

The horizon looked threatening as we got closer to New Smyrna. We pedaled as hard as we could in an effort to get to our accommodation before it started to rain. The beach was the best part of our trip, so the notion of missing it was intolerable. Fortunately, we arrived just in time and found shelter from the downpour. The disappointment of missing the beach weighed heavily on us as we waited. But eventually the downpour stopped, and we were able to proceed to the sea. Even if it was a little triumph, the simple act of dipping our toes in the sea gave us great pleasure and made the trip worthwhile.

The value of interpersonal relationships and the people we meet along the way

The support we gave each other as a group of riders was as significant. As we pushed ourselves to keep up with the fastest riders we patiently waited for those who fell behind. We watched out for one another. We encouraged one another to keep going even when the headwinds were strong and our muscles ached from lack of rest. It was a powerful example of the value of interpersonal relationships.

The man who attempted to read our personalities and determine our ages stands out among the most remarkable characters we encountered. The odd and amusing incident served to break up the monotony of the drive and serve as a reminder that the journey is frequently as much about the people we meet as the places we see.

A newfound sense of resilience and strength, and the lasting lessons learned

But in the end, the trip was about pushing ourselves to the limit and overcoming obstacles. We all had times when we wanted to give up, but we battled through the suffering and fatigue to get there. Long after the muscle aches have subsided, the lessons we learned about endurance, perseverance, patience, and taking pauses as needed will stick with us. We discovered how to push ourselves further than we ever imagined we could go. We learned to celebrate even the smallest accomplishments, like dipping our toes in the water.

Ultimately, we returned from the trip with a newfound sense of resilience and strength. We are not keen to take on another 110-mile bike trip anytime soon. However, we are appreciative of the experience and the memories we made together. I can only assure anyone thinking about taking on a similar challenge that it will be difficult, but also worthwhile. So, go ahead and push yourself because the payoff is just around the corner.



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