Rethinking Success: It’s More Than Just Material Possessions and Accolades

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Success is often associated with material possessions and recognition from others. However, is this the only way to define success? While owning things may give us a certain level of power and status, it may come at the cost of betraying our true selves. In fact, according to research, people who live in wealthy countries are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those from low-to-middle income countries.

Being authentic and true to oneself in pursuit of success

This does not mean we should give up on our ambitions and aspirations. Pursuing our dreams is important, but we should not sell our souls to achieve them. Therefore, it is crucial to know who we are and what we stand for to avoid being led astray by others. Being authentic in a world that values conformity may not always be popular, but it is necessary.

The importance of defining success on our own terms

Success is a personal definition that varies from person to person. It is important to explore ourselves and decide what success means to us. It also evolves over time as we are changing and discover or rediscover who we are. As for me, knowing myself, maintaining great relationships with family and friends, having control over my time, being at peace, and spreading love around me are my definition of success. Accomplishing projects that I have set for myself makes me happy, but they are not the sole markers of my success.

Examples of success beyond material possessions and societal expectations

It is important to define success on our own terms, independent of society’s or social media’s influence. Success can manifest itself in numerous ways, whether it be through a farmer providing food for the community, a person recovering from mental illness or a parent raising their children. Each individual plays a crucial role in a functioning society, and everyone is capable of achieving success in their own right.

Age should not be a determining factor in one’s success.

It’s unfortunate that some individuals view life through a narrow timeline, believing that certain achievements must be accomplished by specific ages. This limited outlook on life can create unnecessary stress and feelings of failure. Instead, we should be inspired by individuals like Apo Whang-Ode, a 106-year-old Filipina woman who remains true to herself by pursuing her passion as a tattoo artist.

She is a remarkable example of someone who is doing what she loves and excelling at it, without letting external factors dictate her success. Her talents attract people from all over the world. Therefore, being featured on the cover of Vogue is incidental to her success. We should take note that we may already be successful without even realizing it.

The journey towards self-realization and embracing set-backs

The road to self-realization, which is the ultimate success, is full of roadblocks. Thus, setbacks are a natural part of the journey. It is important to remember that we are all success stories wherever we are in our life journey.

Success is a personal and evolving journey

In conclusion, success is not just about material possessions and accolades. It is about being true to ourselves, defining success on our own terms, and working towards self-realization. Now, tell me, what does success mean to you? Share your perspective in the comments below. Remember, you are already a success story.

Until next time,



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7 thoughts on “Rethinking Success: It’s More Than Just Material Possessions and Accolades

  1. Great article!! That’s exactly how I perceive success. Besides, for me, success can be how I make a positive impact around me.. For example, influencing people to be the best version of themselves and to feel great about themselves no matter where they are in their journey..
    Happy to see family pics on your blog😊

    1. Yes, having a positive impact on others is a fantastic way to define success. Love it.
      Y’all part of my success story. Of course, family pics must be featured here😍😍

  2. Very helpful and powerful article, it is a pleasure and opportunity to be able to get to it. I truly appreciate how optimistic you are about being successful and it really can be a source of relief and encouragement for anyone who seeks “success”. For me, success is truly having that passion and dream to reach your highest potential no matter the difficulties, as long as the passion still exists, the roadblocks literally mean nothing because you have that constant strength inside that pulls you ahead and never stops, just like gravity, it might not manifest itself at a time but you know deep inside, behind the scenes it is present and can surprise you when you didn’t expect it.

  3. Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. Each individual may have a different meaning of success.

    Also, as we move through life our definition of success may change.

    1. Yes, I notice that many people do not understand that. As we grow and change, so does our vision of success for ourselves. No two success stories are the same. The similarity maybe in the courage the individuals cultivate to keep achieving their planned goals.

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