Starting Fresh: Embracing New Beginnings After Hardships

white notebook and yellow pencil

There are moments in life where nothing make sense. We find ourselves facing a series of hardships that leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and hopeless. It is total chaos, and we are struggling to survive. We put on a fake smile for the world to see and act as if everything is fine. While at night, the shadow of our despair comes out to wrestle with our peace of mind and rob us of our sleep. Whether it’s losing a job, experiencing a breakup, dealing with a health issue, or just dealing with day to day hardships and disappointments, it can be difficult to see a way forward when everything seems to be going wrong.

yellow dead end sign during day time
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However, it’s important to remember that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of a new beginning. Starting fresh can be a powerful way to regain control of our lives and move forward with hope and optimism.

How does one start fresh you may ask, especially when a sliver of hope is hard to see. I think the key is to refuse to be a victim of our situation. It is not easy but we must decide for ourselves that our situation will not define who we are and that we can create for ourselves the space in which to thrive.

Letting go of the past is another step towards a new beginning. While it’s important to acknowledge and learn from our experiences, dwelling on them can keep us stuck in a cycle of negativity and self-doubt. Instead, we can choose to focus on the present and the future, setting new goals and aspirations that align with our values and passions.

Another important aspect of starting fresh is to surround ourselves with positivity and support. This can involve reaching out to friends and family members who lift us up, seeking out a therapist or coach who can help us navigate our challenges, or joining a community or group that shares our interests and values.

Taking care of our physical and mental health is also essential for starting fresh. This can involve developing a self-care routine that includes activities such as exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. It’s important to prioritize our well-being so that we can approach our new beginning with energy and clarity.

Finally, starting fresh requires a willingness to take risks and embrace new opportunities. This may involve stepping out of our comfort zone, trying new things, and taking chances that we may have been too afraid to take in the past. While it can be scary to take a leap of faith, it can also lead to incredible growth and transformation.

green leafed plant on sand
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

In conclusion, starting fresh after a hardship is a powerful way to reclaim our lives and move forward with purpose and passion. By deciding to no longer be a victim of our situation, letting go of the past, surrounding ourselves with positivity and support, prioritizing our health, and embracing new opportunities, we can create a brighter and more fulfilling future. Plus, always remember that life is a cycle of ups and downs. When we are down, believe that the good times is on the way. So, let’s take the first step towards our new beginning today and see where it takes us.



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14 thoughts on “Starting Fresh: Embracing New Beginnings After Hardships

  1. As you said, “ when we are down, believe that the good times is on the way.
    I’ve felt emotional while reading this article.
    It touches me deeply..
    Thanks again for nourishing our soul with this beautiful message!

  2. Honestly, this is one of the article that describes the situation that i am in now and it really helps me face it, thank you jessica for this amazing thought and it really deeply touches me. Whenever i’m feeling a little depressed i will jump in your website and read it again. thanks for your work.!!

  3. Love this! Our perspective makes our reality and it is so important to remember to step back and check in with yourself so you can continue or shift and move in a good direction. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I am deeply concerned by this article because it authentically describes the situation that I am in right now and it represents a source of relief everytime i am feeling down, thank you for taking the time writing this useful thought!!

  5. While starting fresh may be emotional and difficult, it may assist with reframing your life story and purpose.

    One way to change your life is to “re-story” your life.

    1. Yes, you are so right. I love that ” re-story” your life. Our story does not have to be the same. We have the power to change it to fit the our newfound selves as we grow for the better.

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