The Cost of Gun Violence: Beyond the News

toy rifle in front of an american flag

I genuinely feel that there is a fine line between defending our mental health from constant negativity and remaining aware of our surroundings. I am a strong believer in protecting our mental health from negativity. While we must make an effort to concentrate on the positive parts of life, we cannot ignore the existence of the negative aspects of life. We cannot pretend ignorance or dismiss their presence since doing so would limit our potential to bring about change and right wrongs. In order to be able to help our fellow humans, we must first recognize the struggles and suffering others go through. As a result, I’d want to talk about a topic that affects us all: the rise in gun violence in America.

Impact of gun violence in the US

In America, gun violence has escalated to a tragically common event. Turning on the TV makes it difficult to avoid hearing about another needless massacre, another city in shock, or another family left to grieve. Gun violence has a high human cost that cannot be exaggerated. Every life lost is a priceless and irreplaceable loss for the person’s family, friends, community, and country.

photo of man holding rifle
Photo by Maurício Mascaro on

Debate over gun control

There are compelling reasons on both sides of the controversial gun control issue. Some contend that any attempt to limit gun ownership violates the right to carry arms, which is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Others contend that a big contributing factor to the high rates of gun violence in the nation is the ease with which firearms, particularly assault weapons, may be obtained.

Need for concrete action on gun control

It is obvious that we need to take effective gun control measures, regardless of where one stands on the political spectrum. Comparing the US to other industrialized nations, the US has a much higher rate of gun violence, which is unacceptable. To reduce the number of fatalities caused by gun violence, we need to have an honest discussion about the place of firearms in our society. The shocking statistic that stated gun violence is the primary cause of death in youngsters astounded me. The fact that America, a country widely regarded as the guardian of democracy, is unable to protect its most vulnerable individuals within its own borders is baffling.

Ways to make our society safer

There are several ways we can make our society safer. We can implement background checks for everyone, restrict access to assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, and fund mental health programs. We may also seek to eliminate systemic injustices like racism, poverty, and lack of access to healthcare and education that fuel gun violence.

end gun violence
Photo by Katie Godowski on

Importance of family unit and reevaluating societal values

I believe that the family has always been the cornerstone of society. As a result, it could be time for us to reexamine the values that we allow to influence our society. It’s important to think about how and what we teach our children. Are we teaching them that it’s okay to target and injure their friends who are different from them? Do we teach them how to regulate their emotions? Are we paying attention to what goes on in our homes? Therefore, we must reflect deeply on our own behavior and ask, “What are we teaching our children?”

interior of abandoned building
Photo by Pixabay on

Hope for change through continued advocacy

I still have hope that change is possible, despite the fact that getting effective gun control will undoubtedly be a lengthy and arduous process. Inspiring youth-led movements for gun reform in the wake of the Parkland shooting are just one example of what can happen when communities band together to demand change. Another example of the kind of audacious and courageous action that politicians should be doing to affect genuine change and push for effective gun control laws is the expulsion of the two representatives from Tennessee’s House of Representatives for calling for gun reform following a massacre.

I am confident that we can reduce gun violence and build a more just and equitable society for all with persistent activism and a dedication to working toward a safer future.

Please feel free to share your thoughts on that topic in the comment section below.

Until next time, be careful please,



Posts created 67

3 thoughts on “The Cost of Gun Violence: Beyond the News

  1. yeah gun violence in the usa is ridiculous. the usa will regulate what people can do with their bodies and enforce stringent rules for driving privileges, background checks to work menial jobs, but cannot enforce more strict rules in obtaining and owning guns and ammunition. its so much more about politics than it is about caring for the well being of citizens and children. theyll deflect and blame anything else but wont “pull the trigger” on enforcing more strict rules on gun ownership because for fear of losing the support of their political affiliates. the second amendment is a right to bare arms for citizens to protect themselves from a militarized tyrannical government, yet the people supporting loose gun control are the same ones supporting this militarized tyrannical government. imo.

    1. It does not make any sense. Talking about cognitive dissonance!
      You are absolutely right. Our representatives have other interests. It is more about politics than caring for the people.

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