The Resilient Spirit of Haiti: A Tortuous Journey to Change

Reflecting on the Essence of Haiti’s Flag in Times of Crisis

May 18th is a day of immense pride for Haitians worldwide. Two centuries ago, our courageous forefathers raised the Haitian flag, declaring our unwavering commitment to live free or die. This flag has since symbolized our indomitable spirit, unyielding determination, and relentless pursuit of independence. Today, as our beloved Haiti grapples with yet another crisis, it is crucial for us to reflect upon the true essence of this flag.

Overcoming Subjugation: Haiti’s Ongoing Struggle for Independence

Port-au-Prince, the capital, is in a dire state with widespread violence, kidnappings, and gangs seizing control following the President’s assassination. These distressing symptoms, however, are rooted in a deeper issue—an ongoing subjugation that has plagued our nation since its inception. Haiti is the only country on Earth founded by enslaved Black people, boldly seizing their independence during an era when black individuals worldwide were dehumanized as mere property. In doing so, Haitians shattered the myth that black people were subhuman and undeserving of dignity. Therefore, it is not unexpected that countries practicing colonization would perceive Haiti as a threat to be eradicated. Consequently, our visionary leaders, who genuinely cared for our country, have been assassinated or forced into exile. There are groups conspiring to subject and plunder our people. Once again, we find ourselves alone in this struggle, much like when we fought for our independence over two centuries ago.

The Heroes of Change: Inspiring Figures Fighting for a Better Haiti

Nonetheless, hope persists even though Haitians are fleeing Haiti in order to survive. There are Haitians in Haiti and the diaspora who fight for change despite all odds. We understand that one of the fundamental pillars of societal change is the education of its people. Figures like Betrude Albert, a dedicated Haitian American professor committed to dispelling negative narratives about our country, have established schools in places like Cap-Haïtien. Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of Education in Haiti, is promoting the use of Kreyol language in schools, making education more accessible to millions of Haitian kids who only speak Kreyol. Angie Bell, a young Haitian writer dedicates her life to promote Haitian culture and the arts. Moreover, Nedgine Paul Deroly, a Harvard graduate and founder of “Anseye pou Haiti,” has returned to Haiti to produce quality educators for the youth. It is time for us to take matters into our own hands and shatter the chains of oppression, wherever they may originate. We cannot depend on others to save us; we must embark on this journey of change ourselves, just as our ancestors did centuries ago.

Resilience and Potential: Uncovering the Rich Culture and History of Haiti

To achieve this, it is vital to highlight the resilience, accomplishments, and positive aspects of our country and its people. While we are aware of the many issues Haiti faces, it is time now to focus on a more comprehensive understanding of Haiti’s rich culture, arts, history, and untapped potential. For instance the Haitian diaspora, contributed a staggering $3.1 billion to the Haitian economy in 2022, surpassing the amount of international aid received in Haiti by more than threefold. If this funding were effectively coordinated and directed towards infrastructure development, it could yield significant improvements. We must inform others about existing grassroots movements, organizations, and initiatives that are working tirelessly to bring about positive change.

Mobilizing for Progress: Haitians to Take Control of their Destiny

Today, as we honor the Haitian flag, let us remember what it truly represents—the unwavering strength and resilience of a people who have surmounted countless obstacles and refuse to succumb. Our fight for a better tomorrow continues, driven by the vision of a Haiti where every citizen can experience peace and prosperity. It is time for us to collectively seize control of our nation and shape our own destiny. This does not imply rejecting assistance or dismissing valuable suggestions. Nevertheless, without the involvement of its citizens, a country cannot undergo transformation. Thus, Haitian people must be central to every single conversation for meaningful change. We have always held the answer to our problems. No one else.

Together, we will prevail. Together, we will forge a brighter future for Haiti.

Until next time,


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5 thoughts on “The Resilient Spirit of Haiti: A Tortuous Journey to Change

  1. Great job Jess for this article!! Your wise words are welcomed in a moment where so many Haitians are hopeless and ashamed of what is happening in our country . I really appreciate these beautiful pics that you put, our culture is so rich and beautiful and our story is exceptional. We need to find strength in all the positive things that we have and fight for a better tomorrow.
    I’ve enjoyed reading the lines where you’ve highlighted these inspiring figures that fight for changes in Haiti and I’m sure they’re many people that are not publicly known but are doing great things out there.
    And you’re also participating in the change to which we aspire through your writings. I’m really proud of you!
    We need to work together, support each other’s work and one day we will see brighter days!!
    With love and hope.

    1. Yes, there are current unknown Haitians heroes doing great work that no one knows about like the ones mentioned on this post. We need to amplify their voices and maybe we might prevent the next generation from experiencing a sense of despair and loss.

      I am such a small drop in this vast ocean. But many drops when combined have the power to alter the course of the entire ocean. We need more drops to make meaningful impact.

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