You’ve heard it before, health is wealth. It is true though no matter how you look at it. It is the most precious thing we will ever possess. Yet, we do not take care of our bodies the way we are supposed to. We take our bodies for granted and only pay attention when something goes really wrong.Often, for many, it may be financial. And that is a big factor worth considering. The price of food has been going up lately. Insidiously. And for many, it is not financially feasible to be shopping at Whole foods to feed the entire family. But look at it that way; you will spend more money in a hospital bill trying to restore your health than you will ever spend buying the fresh fruits and vegetables at the supermarket to prevent your health from deteriorating.
In addition, there are many ways you can get the biggest bang for your buck while choosing a healthier option in the supermarket. Try these 4 shopping tips to save money at the grocery store.
1- Make a shopping list
It is the most important way to save money while being in the store. You must decide ahead what you need before heading there. Often, we wander aimlessly and buy things that we do not need. But, if you have a list and you stick to it, you will limit impulse buying that often create havoc to your wallet.
2-Do not shop when hungry
I could not emphasize that more. When you are hungry, everything looks good and tasty. You will not even look at that elaborate list that you have created. So, eat something before you hit the store. Or, avoid the store altogether when you feel like you could devour a whole feast all by yourself.
3- Buy in season
For your fresh fruits and vegetables, buy in season. They are usually cheaper, and there are more coupons available for them. So you can stock up on those items.To preserve your fruits and veggies, cut them, put them in a ziploc bag and freeze them. You will have them available for months while they retain all their nutrients.
4- Consider ethnic markets
You will find great bargains on certain products but also experiment with new ingredients. I do not buy things like carrots, beets, yams, potatoes, or rice at the super market. They are overpriced there. That goes for all my spices as well. Where I live, I go to a Spanish, or Haitian grocers. It is way cheaper in those stores. They usually have fresh meat and fish as well. Just ask about the store and research it before you go. Ethnic supermarkets ( Haitian, Spanish, Lebanese,Chinese etc) are great stores for good value ingredients.
That sums up the most useful tips that have when it comes to eating healthy on a budget.I hope they will be helpful to you. I am sure there are more tips out there. Please, do not hesitate to share your tips in the comment box below.
Xoxo, JP